BOYSEN® Oil Tinting Colors
BOYSEN® Oil Tinting Colors
DESCRIPTION: BOYSEN® Oil Tinting Colors are concentrated alkyd-based tinting colors for alkyd-type paints like Quick Drying Enamel. They mix easily and produce tints from pastel to medium shades.
APPLICATION: Stir well before using. Close container and clean painting tools immediately with BOYSEN® Paint Thinner B-0340.
PACKAGING: ¼ liter cans
MIXING: To produce dark shades, choose from factory-mixed colors. Ideal ratio of colorant to paint is 1:16, respectively. Do not use B-2315 Bulletin Red and B-2319 Hansa Yellow for exterior applications.
B-2303 Thalo Green
B-2306 Thalo Blue
B-2307 French Yellow Ochre
B-2311 Burnt Umber
B-2313 Burnt Sienna
B-2314 Raw Sienna
B-2315 Bulletin Red*
B-2317 Venetian Red
B-2318 Lampblack
B-2319 Hansa Yellow*
*interior use only