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Stripsoll Paint Stripper Remover

Stripsoll Paint Stripper Remover

Regular price ₱125.00 PHP
Regular price Sale price ₱125.00 PHP
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Stripsoll Paint Stripper Remover is a highly effective, fast-acting paint stripper designed to remove all types of solvent-based paints which includes enamels, epoxies, and lacquers. This product is applied by brush on almost all types of surfaces.


  • First class fast acting paint stripper that STRIPS ALL types of oil and alkyd base enamels and lacquer thoroughly.
  • Non-flammable.
  • Should be applied by brush on the painted surface and allowed to stay until the film is completely destroyed.



  1. Apply a thick coat of paint remover uniformly over the old paint using paint brush.
  2. Leave the paint remover over the paint surface for 10-20 minutes or until the old paint wrinkles.
  3. Remove the softened old paint wrinkles.
  4. Remove the softened old paint using a spatula or putty knife.
  5. Repeat application of paint remover if necessary.
  6. Completely remove and wipe-off old paint and paint remover residues using Lacquer Thinner.


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